Sep 28, 2016

How to Make Compliance Mutually Beneficial

When it comes to compliance, organizations and contractors need to work together. Alongside the main project you are collaborating on, both parties should be focused on abiding by regulations, following protocols and ensuring that all of the necessary documentation is in place, in a way that suits everyone.

A mutually beneficial approach to compliance will make the experience less stressful for all involved, and with one less thing to worry about, you can get on with ensuring that targets are met and that everything comes in on time and on budget.

Consult our handy checklist to ensure that you’re managing compliance in a way that helps all involved:

Keep Lines of Communication Open

With the ability to make immediate contact directly through Contractor Compliance, you’ll always be able to send queries, impart information and share updates. With everyone kept in the loop, errors can be minimized and all individuals know what is expected of them, and when.

Make it Easy to Request, Easy to Prove

Requesting and providing compliance evidence through Contractor Compliance keeps the process hassle free for both organizations and contractors. Outlining the qualifications, licences and inspections that are required through one digital hub cuts down on paperwork and managing disparate sources of information, while the simple interface makes it easy for the appropriate documentation and evidence to be uploaded, or for tests to be taken in-app.

Create Less Admin for Both Sides

Sharing compliance data through Contractor Compliance keeps admin procedures to a minimum for both organizations and contractors. Manual processes are automated, data is stored digitally, and you’ll receive notifications and reminders, reducing the time spent performing checks and following up.

Build More Than Just Infrastructure

Contractor Compliance is a platform for both sides to make new connections and forge strong partnerships. Organizations can research and source third parties that match the skills and experience they require, while contractors can showcase the projects they’ve worked on and network with potential new clients.

Lessen Liability

Using Contractor Compliance allows both organizations and contractors to assess their liability at a glance. Reminders will be issued for items that are expiring or overdue, and details of equipment used on-site can be accessed instantly. You’ll also be able to view records of who is working on your projects and better understand their capabilities.

Contractor Compliance for One and For All.

The use of Contractor Compliance software allows organizations and contractors to meet rules and regulations as a team. If you’re ready to be part of a mutually beneficial system that works for everybody, book your free demo today, and be sure to subscribe to the blog for all of our latest news and advice.

About the Author

Addison Moore
Director of Marketing at Contractor Compliance

Addison has spent the last four years learning from and participating in the Health & Safety community. He has travelled to numerous EHS conferences, trade shows and events with the intention of helping organizations with their contractor management programs. Addison is also responsible for curating the collection of white papers, case studies and eBooks that provide real world insights into the workforce safety space.

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